
Botulinum Toxin Results

Botox Results Botulinum Toxin is a purified protein that relaxes the muscles. Furthermore, Botox or similar brands can be used on…

2 years ago

Understanding toxin resistance

If there were such as thing as a favourite wrinkle treatment, botulinum toxin, BOTOX would probably be it. Sometimes it…

3 years ago

Excessive Sweating Treatment

Botox for excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) Excessive sweating can be an embarrassing problem for some people, it is a rare medical…

3 years ago

A history of Botox®

You might think that Botox® is a modern treatment, but it is actually over a hundred years since the bacterium…

3 years ago

What to expect at a Botox consultation

What to expect at a Botox clinic The consultation process During an in-depth consultation at a Botox clinic, the practitioner…

3 years ago

How safe is your face?

Safest clinic In the right hands, the results of non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers and anti wrinkle treatments…

3 years ago

Botox for migraine

Migraine affect about 1% of the UK population Common Symptoms Include: Severe headache Visual disturbances. Botox for migraine

4 years ago

What causes Frown Lines

Causes of Frown lines between the eyes and by the Corrugator and Procerus Muscles being activated together on a regular…

4 years ago

Make your in clinic treatments last as long as possible.

Aesthetic Treatments are an investment in your face and are not cheap, therefore it is important to make your botox…

5 years ago


Mesobotox is a facial rejuvenation using an injection application of a mesotherapeutic solution and botulinum toxin in high dilution into…

5 years ago