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Tear Trough Filler before and after

Here are 10 Things you should know about tear trough filler

1. What are the benefits of tear trough treatment?

Under eye filler is a highly effective way to reduce the appearance of bags and sunkeness in the under eye area. It can also help to brighten, freshen, and give your face a less tired appearance.

It is suitable for most people, but if you suffer with puffiness under the eyes, it can make that issue worse.

2. What accreditation should I look for?

Having under eye filler should always be with a medical professional, Doctor or Nurse. This is essential as this area is particularly tricky to treat well.

Look for accreditation like CQC to ensure you are being treated by someone who has these qualifications.

3. What risks are there for tear trough fillers?

Risks and side effects are something you should consider with any procedure. Tear Trough fillers are the most risky area to treat. 

Some medical practitioners do not offer Tear Trough, due to the risks and problems which can occur.

The most common risks with tear trough fillers include bruising, swelling and bumps under the eyes.

Lump after tear trough filler
Lump after tear trough filler

As filler is a gel it is difficult to layer between the skin and the bone, this cannot be seen, but be felt.

If the filler is placed higher than the bone, the filler may be seen or felt as a ‘lump’ or ‘bump’ in some cases a ‘ridge’ can be seen. 

These are potential risks and if it does happen it is not always a clinical error, it can just be down to individual anatomy.

I have been treating tear troughs throughout my long career and even with my experience I offer a follow up to check up patients who have had this treatment to check for side effects or issues. 

If the filler is lumpy it is dissolved, this is necessary in 30% of cases in my clinic and 80% nationally.

A follow up is at 2 weeks post treatment. Further appointments are charged at a consultation fee £50.

4. What filler is used for tear trough treatment?

The filler used under the eye should be hyaluronic acid based I only use Restylane products in my clinic the safest and longest lasting, premium quality and tested filler.

There are quality brands available and you may not be familiar with them all so just remember to check that it is a hyaluronic acid based product that is being used.

5. How long does tear trough treatment last?

The results can last from 6 months up to around 12. This area of the face does not experience much movement and for that reason the filler will ‘hold’ for long periods of time. The severity of the issue you have under the eye may affect this. It is an area that should be treated conservatively.

If you have deep grooves, this may mean you will need more than one treatment over a period of time. The tear trough area should be filled slowly and delicately.

6. Is tear trough treatment painful?

I always use a pre numbing cream before using Dermal filler. I explain to my clients that having tear trough filler isn’t painful as such, but it can feel a little nerve wracking being close to the eye. Your practitioner should be able to guide you through the process and help you to breathe your way through it.

7. When will I see an improvement after tear trough treatment?

You will see an improvement straight away but it will look even better after a few weeks. ‘The sweet spot’ as I like to call it hits around week 6 following the treatment.

8. How much does tear trough treatment cost?

At Flawless Aesthetic Clinic my price is £275. This includes Premium Restylane Eyesight Filler, inserted using TSK cannula and a free follow up. Further follow up treatments are charged at £50 consultation fee.

Prices will vary from clinic to clinic as with all cosmetic procedures. 

Beware of deals and super cheap prices – these may mean an inexperienced or novice practitioner or low grade products. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

9. Can tear trough treatment be combined with Botox?

Combining tear trough filler with Botox around the eyes will take your treatment to the next level as not only will the under eye area be brighter, any fine lines will be smoother too.

10. Which treatments improve the under eye area?

Other options for improving the under eye area include Botox, mid face filler (to support the under eye) PRP, mesotherapy and micro needling.


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