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Nose to mouth lines also known as Naso Labial Lines, smile lines or laughter lines. They are the skin folds that run from either side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. This provides a distinction between the cheek and upper lip. We all generally will possess some visible skin folds around the nose to the mouth area. However, as we begin to age, these lines become deeper and prominent. Smiling, talking and even kissing can be contributing factors!

What age do nose to mouth lines appear?

Nasolabial lines can become prominent at a younger age than other common facial lines and are sometimes hereditary, but can get deeper over time.

As we age, facial fat shrinks and moves, ligaments become weaker as do facial muscles, which is part of what causes wrinkling and fine lines to appear.

Sun damage, smoking and animated facial expressions can all help to bring about the early appearance of nose to mouth lines.

It is well known that in our mid-20s, we produce about 1% less collagen in our skin each year. This is the natural process of ageing however if you are not happy with your smile lines and wrinkles, there are many common treatments that can help to significantly improve their appearance.

How can I treat nose to mouth lines?

One of the most common and effective treatments are dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are made of a substance called Hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the skin. Hyaluronic acid helps to bind water to collagen, trapping it in the skin, so that skin can appear plumper, lustrous. and more hydrated.

You have to make sure that whoever administers the derma fillers is qualified and experienced. This is because placing too much filler can actually make the crease more puffy and strange looking.

Other conservative ways to aid in reducing the appearance of nose to mouth folds include:

  • Using daily gentle exfoliants containing alpha-hydroxy acids
  • Massaging techniques to massage your skin upwards
  • Incorporating a good skincare routine that includes sunscreen and products containing Vitamin C and retinol to promote collagen production.
  • Good lifestyle habits such as sleeping enough, drinking less, keeping well hydrated as well as stopping smoking.

Sarah Barker

Aesthetic Nurse and Website Admin

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