
OChronic headaches / migraines affect about 1% of the UK population. Fortunately botox for migraine can help for up to 6 months.

Common Symptoms Include:
  • Severe headache
  • Visual disturbances e.g. spots or flashing lights
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, or smells
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Tingling sensations, pins and needles, and weakness or numbness in the limbs

We advise patients to consult their GP in the first instance for treatments and investigations into severe/worrying/persistent headaches. Where patients have had a full check-up and diagnosis and tried other treatments, then Botox for migraine may provide an alternative option.  Potentially with longer-lasting benefits.

Botox for Migraines

Botox is a recognised and approved treatment for migraines.

The true cause of migraines is unknown and can vary from person to person. Patients have long seen benefits from having Botox for facial rejuvenation and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating condition).

However it is now clear that patients who have suffered with migraines in the past no longer have the symptoms or find that they are reduced in frequency and/or severity.


Botox was approved in 2010 as a preventive treatment for chronic migraine in the UK by drug regulators MHRA. It was  previously approved by the FDA in the US.

This will come as a welcome relief to know there is another treatment to add to the list as most sufferers really struggle to find a treatment that is totally effective.

The approvals come after a trial of more than 1,300 patients showed success in reducing the frequency of headaches.

Evidence for Botox for migraine
  • In clinical trials, patients were given up to five courses of injections of Botox into specific head and neck muscles every 12 weeks.
  • After 24 weeks, those treated with Botox had fewer days with migraine than those who received a placebo injection.
  • By one year, nearly 70% of those treated with Botox had a 50% reduction in the number of migraines compared with before the trial.
NHS Treatment

The MHRA (medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency) said only patients who suffer headaches for at least 2 weeks a month, half of which come with migraine symptoms, are eligible for treatment on the NHS; where that patient has not responded to at least 3 forms of medication.

There are many clinics offering Botox for cosmetic purposes. nly clinics like Flawless Aesthetic Climic who are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are authorised to give Botox for medical purposes such as migraine and hyperhydrosis.

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