Meso Botox

Mesobotox is a facial rejuvenation using an injection application of a mesotherapeutic solution and botulinum toxin in high dilution into skin.

The botulinum toxin concentration is lower in the case of mesobotox, so the effect is also different than with the application of botox itself into a muscle for smoothing out dynamic wrinkles. Mesobotox is applied into the surface skin layer, not into muscles, whereby the original mimicry is preserved, however, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and it also results in slight lifting reduction of sebum production and sweating, as well as reduction of pores in the treated area. Thanks to the mesotherapeutic solution containing various components, such as non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, peptides and growth factors, the skin is hydrated and revitalized. It is suitable to combine the treatment with the botox application into a muscle (e.g. on the forehead, around the eyes) with the classical mesotherapy or plasma therapy. It is used to treat face, neck and décolleté.


  • The procedure is painless, preceded by the application of an anaesthetic cream.
  • Mesobotox is injected or applied by using the a fine needle or microneedling device.
  • It starts to be effective within 4 days, becomes fully effective within 14 days and persists for 3-6 months. It can be repeated no earlier than 3 months after the first procedure.
  • Minor redness will disappear within 1-3 hours after the application; exceptionally, small bruises may occur at the application site, which will be absorbed within several days.
  • The procedure can be performed throughout the year; it is recommended not to expose the treated area to the sun and to use a SPF

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4 thoughts on “Mesobotox”
  1. Hi no sorry as mesobotox is presctiption only medication (POM) I can only prescribe it for a patient who has had a face to face consultation with me. Thanks

  2. I would like to know how exactly mesobotox works and how much safer it is. i know its injected more superficialy. Is the reconstitution the same as for normal botox injections and than a couple of units drawd up and again reconstituted with saline? or is it mixed with a skin booster and how?

  3. Hi botulinum toxin is extremely safe if used by a medically trained professional with experience. Reconstitution is slightly different as mesotherapy can be used with it to treat specific issues. For a full discussion and explanation please book in for a no obligation consultation I would be happy to show you how it works before deciding if this is for you?

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