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A pdo thread facelift lift is a procedure that can tighten and lift your skin. It’s a less invasive and much more cost effective procedure than facelift surgery. A doctor or nurse performs it in under 45 minutes, without needing to go under a scalpel and with little recovery downtime.

What are PDO threads?

thread lift pdo facelift cog
Barbed Cog Thread

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are a special medical grade thread,

PDO, similar to dissolvable surgical suture material, has been confirmed through research to relax tendons and muscles. Furthermore, the foreign body reaction it induces improves blood flow to the area, stimulating neocollagenesis, which is the production of new collagen in the skin.

These fall into three categories:

  • PDO mono threads. Smooth sutures that help rejuvenate your skin by stimulating collagen production.
  • PDO cog threads. These threads have barbs that latch into your skin like very small hooks, to provide support and lift parts of your face.
  • PDO screw threads. Made up of one or two intertwined threads, these are used to help restore volume to sunken parts of your skin.

What are they used for in clinic?

PDO Facelift

  • Brow lifts
  • Sagging cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Nose to mouth folds
  • Sagging Jaw line
  • Neck lifts
  • Double chins
  • Breast lifts
  • Sagging body skin

Is it a safe procedure?

PDO thread lifts have a much lower risk of complications than facelift surgeries.

Although complications may occur, they are usually easily corrected.

Potential complications include:

  • Visible threads (especially in people with thin skin)
  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Infection
  • Snapping of threads
  • Dimpling
  • Swelling
  • Salivary gland injury
  • Decreased sensation

However, in the right hands these risks are considerably reduced and pdo threads are generally safe. I was the first Nurse to train in pdo threads in the UK in 2011 and regularly teach and assess fellow nurses and doctors to perform the procedure.

The treatment must take place in Care Quality Commission (CQC) clinic by a doctor or nurse professionally trained to minimise risks.

If I book for a PDO thread lift near me, what is the procedure

You’ll likely be advised to avoid alcohol and tobacco use at least 24 hours before your procedure, along with anything else that may increase the risk of bleeding or bruising, such as:

  • Advil and ibuprofen
  • aspirin
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • green tea or green tea extracts

On the day of your procedure, your medical practitioner will talk you through the potential complications and give you advice about your recovery.

  1. As you sit in a reclined seat, your practitioner should disinfect your face. They’ll apply a topical anaesthetic cream, for cogs they will inject local anaesthetic with a needle under your skin to numb a larger area.
  2. For monos or spirals, the nurse will insert them and you will unlikely feel any pain as they are extremely thin. If cogs are being used, the nurse will make a small hole/incision with another needle and insert a device called a cannula into the small hole.
  3. Your practitioner will then adjust and anchor the cog thread into place and pull out the cannula.
  4. They’ll finish by cutting the thread and making sure it’s secure in place.

Shortly after the procedure, you will be free to go home. Usually, the dentist will provide you with an aftercare leaflet, and some patients even go straight back to work.

PDO thread lift recovery and aftercare

Recovery from a PDO thread lift is minimal. You may have some swelling and bruising for the first 24 to 72 hours, but you can return to most of your daily routines right away.

Additionally, you will likely be advised to avoid overexerting your facial muscles, such as by opening your mouth for dental procedures, for a few days.

Great results turning back the clock!

The results are natural looking, impressive and last approximately 2 years with many returning customers loving the results!

‘I love the way people can’t figure out I’ve had some cosmetic work done, they just say I’m looking well or asking if I’ve been away’ Flawless Aesthetic Clinic Customer Feedback.

For more information about this and other treatments contact Sarah Barker at Flawless aesthetic clinic or call 07841389233

Sarah Barker

Aesthetic Nurse and Website Admin

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    1. Hi it all depends how many threads you need but from £400 to £850 thanks please contact me for a consultation to give an exact cost. Thanks Sarah x

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