Out of hours emergency
If you experience and emergency such as shortness of breath or rapid heart beat please call 999.
Side effects of cosmetic treatments such as anti wrinkle treatments and dermal fillers can include, pain, swelling and bruising, and occasionally lumps and bumps which are all normal and will settle.
You may take paracetamol (not ibuprofen or aspirin as this can increase the risk of bruising) and use cool packs, which can be used as often as necessary.
These side effects can last up to 3 weeks in some cases. You are invited to a 14 day follow up and check up to see how the treatment has taken affect and settled, which you are strongly advised to attend.
Should you be worried about anything the best way to contact me is by phone on 07841389233. My working hours are Monday Wednesday and Friday 9-5.30, Tuesday evenings 4-8.30 and the First Saturday of each month. I have my phone on me at these times and at my home office 24/7. On some occasions I may be unable to check messages at weekends or if I am away, or may not be able to see you in clinic straight away so if have not replied back to you in 24 hours please call my colleague Sally Rouse a Registered Nurse on 07917710386.